Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchÄmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchÄmi.
Saá¹…ghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchÄmi.
Going for Triple Refuge
I take refuge in the Buddha.
I take refuge in the Dhamma.
I take refuge in the Sangha.
PÄṇÄtipÄtÄ veramaṇī sikkhÄpadaṃ samÄdiyÄmi.
AdinnÄdÄnÄ veramaṇī sikkhÄpadaṃ samÄdiyÄmi
AbrahmacariyÄ veramaṇī sikkhÄpadaṃ samÄdiyÄmi
MusÄ-vÄdÄ veramaṇī sikkhÄpadaṃ samÄdiyÄmi
SurÄ-meraya-majjapamÄdaá¹á¹hÄnÄ veramaṇī sikkhÄpadaṃ samÄdiyÄmi.
VikÄlabhojanÄ veramaṇī sikkhÄpadaṃ samÄdiyÄmi
Nacca-gÄ«ta-vÄdita-visÅ«kadassanÄ-mÄlÄ-gandhavilepana-dhÄraṇa-maṇá¸ana-vibhÅ«sanaá¹á¹hÄnÄ veramaṇī sikkhÄpadaṃ samÄdiyÄmi.
UccÄsayana-mahÄsayanÄ veramaṇī sikkhÄpadaṃ samÄdiyÄmi.
The Eight Precepts
I undertake the rule of training to abstainfrom killing living creatures.
I undertake the rule of training to abstain from taking what is not given.
I undertake the rule of training to abstain from sexual activity.
I undertake the rule of training to abstain from wrong speech.
I undertake the rule of training to abstain from intoxicants, which are the causes of heedlessness.
I undertake the rule of training to abstain from eating at the wrong time.
I undertake the rule of training to abstain from dancing, singing, music and worldly entertainments; [wearing] garlands, perfumes, cosmetics; jewelry and other bodily adornments.
I undertake the rule of training to abstain from using high or luxurious beds.
ImÄhaṃ bhante attabhÄvaṃ jÄ«vitaṃ bhagavato pariccajÄmi.
ImÄhaṃ bhante attabhÄvaṃ jÄ«vitaṃ Äcariyassa pariccajÄmi.
The Surrender
Sir, I surrender myself completely to the Buddha [for proper guidance and protection].
Sir, I surrender myself completely to the teacher [for proper guidance and protection].
NibbÄnassa sacchikaraṇatthÄya me bhante ÄnÄpÄna kammaá¹á¹hÄnÄṃ dehi.
The Request of Dhamma
For the sake of witnessing nibbÄna, Sir, grant me the meditation object of Anapana.
NibbÄnassa sacchikaraṇatthÄya me bhante vipassanÄ kammaá¹á¹hÄnÄṃ dehi.
The Request of Dhamma
For the sake of witnessing nibbÄna, Sir, grant me the meditation object of Vipassana.