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Wheel of Dhamma

Bodhi Leaf

Vipassana in Spain
Non-Centre Location: Website | Map
** Unless noted otherwise, course instructions are given in the following language(s): English / Spanish

In Spain, the Vipassana Foundation, a non-profit organisation, was founded in 1998, with the aim of spreading Vipassana meditation as taught by S. N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin. At present the Foundation has two centres exclusively dedicated to this purpose: Dhamma Neru in Santa Maria de Palutordera (Barcelona Province) and Dhamma Sacca in Candeleda (Avila Province).


Courses and activities programmed in the areas and centres of Spain


Registration for the courses will open at 8 am in local summer time and at 7 am in local winter time.



  • The actual opening time could be a few minutes after the indicated time.
  • If when you enter the registration the course is not yet open, you must close the web page and reopen it (refresh the system), otherwise you will not be able to see that the course opens.
  • Most courses run out of the places in a few minutes.
  • fill out the application to participate in the course in the most detailed way possible. Please register with the exact name you have in your passport or national ID (DNI/NIE).
  • The system reserves the place from the moment one starts to fill out the application for a period of 30 minutes, and the countdown starts again each time the page is passed in the application form. This gives more than enough time to fill all the necessary information without any hurry.
  • Old students can sit for up to three courses in one year. The third course may not be held during Easter, July or August, nor during the Christmas course.
  • Please add to your list of allowed mail otherwise the confirmation letter may end up in your spam folder.
  • Please apply ONLY IF YOU ARE SURE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE PART IN THE COURSE. Last minute cancellations prevent us from using the maximum capacity of the centre by not leaving us enough time to process new applications.  

Areas Map

Spain Areas

2024 Dhamma Neru Courses    Website | Map
Attend / Serve Dates Course Type Status Location Comments
Apply* 01 Jan - 31 Dec Long term service In Progress Dhamma Neru, Santa Maria Palautordera - Barcelona For old students
LONG TERM SERVICE Requirements: have served at least a full 10-day course. Minimum stay 2 months extendable to 1 year Places available depending on the dates requested
Apply* 26 December, 2024 - 06 January, 2025 10 days meditation course In Progress Dhamma Neru, Santa Maria Palautordera - Barcelona

For New students and old students

2025 Dhamma Neru Courses    Website | Map
Attend / Serve Dates Course Type Status Location Comments
Apply* 08 Jan - 19 Jan 10 days meditation course New Women - Closed Old Women - Wait List New Men - Closed Old Men - Wait List Female Server - Wait List Male Server - Open Dhamma Neru, Santa Maria Palautordera - Barcelona

For New students and old students

2024 Dhamma Sacca Courses    Website | Map
Attend / Serve Dates Course Type Status Location Comments
Apply* 01 Jan - 31 Dec Long term service In Progress Dhamma Sacca, Candeleda - Ávila For old students
LONG TERM SERVICE Requirements: have served at least a full 10-day course. Minimum stay 2 months extendable to 1 or 2 years
26 December, 2024 - 06 January, 2025 10 days meditation course In Progress Dhamma Sacca, Candeleda - Ávila

For New students and old students


As a privacy measure, the online application form encrypts the information you provide us with before it is sent from your device to our application server.

To access the Old Student Regional Site please click A user name and password will be required to access these pages.

Questions may be addressed to Email:

All courses are run solely on a donation basis. All expenses are met by donations from those who, having completed a course and experienced the benefits of Vipassana, wish to give others the same opportunity. Neither the Teacher nor the assistant teachers receive remuneration; they and those who serve the courses volunteer their time. Thus Vipassana is offered free from commercialisation.

Old students are those who have completed a 10-day Vipassana Meditation course with S.N. Goenka or his Assistant Teachers. Old students have the opportunity to provide Dhamma Service at the courses listed.

Bilingual courses are courses which are taught in two languages. All students will hear daily meditation instructions in both languages. The evening discourses will be heard separately.

Meditation courses are held at both center and non-center locations. Meditation centers are dedicated facilities where courses are held regularly throughout the year. Before meditation centers were established in this tradition, all courses were held at temporary sites, such as campgrounds, religious retreat centers, churches and the like. Today, in regions where centers have not yet been established by local students of Vipassana who live in the area, 10 Day meditation courses are held at non-center course sites.

10-day Courses are an introductory course to Vipassana Meditation where the technique is taught step-by-step each day. The courses begin after a 2 - 4 pm registration period and orientation, followed by 10 full days of meditation, and end the morning of the 11th day by 7:30 am.

Work Periods have been set aside to work on a variety of Centre maintenance, construction, household and gardening projects. All Old Students are welcome to participate. The daily program will include three group sittings with morning and afternoon work periods. On selected evenings, there will be tapes played of special discourses and talks that S.N. Goenka has given to Old Students.