som den lärs ut av S N Goenka

i Sayagyi U Ba Khins tradition
Old Student Course Qualification Requirements
There are a number of special courses for old students in this tradition of Vipassana meditation practice. These courses have certain requirements which an old student must meet in order to qualify for admission. The basic qualification requirements are as follows:
1-dags eller 3-dagarskurs för gamla elever
Ska ha genomfört minst en 10-dagarskurs med Goenkaji eller någon av hans assistentlärare. De som praktiserar energibaserad healing på andra kan inte antas. Ska försöka följa de fem föreskrifterna så gott man kan.
Satipaṭṭhāna Suttakurs
Suttit (servande räknas inte) minst tre 10-dagarskurser med Goenkaji eller någon av hans assistentlärare. Praktiserat denna teknik i minst ett år. Inte praktiserat någon annan teknik sen din senste kurs med Goenkaji eller någon av hans assistentlärare. Försöka upprätthålla daglig praktik minst från dagen för ansökan till kursen. Försöka hålla de fem föreskrifterna minst från dagen för ansökan till kursen.
Självkurs för seriösa gamla elever
Självkurser är för seriösa gamla elever som genomfört minst tre 10-dagarskurser, den senaste inom två år. Kursen genomförs utan lärare och kontaktpersoner, och det finns ingen möjlighet att ställa frågor varken under lunchpausen eller efter klockan 21 på kvällen. Kvällsföredragen bör spelas och de elever som deltar ser till att det sker.
Eleverna förutsätts följa sammā dagsschema som för de vanliga 10-dagarskurserna. De ska följa alla regler och riktlinjer (ädel tystnad, åtta föreskrifter, osv.) när de befinner sig på centret. De ska inte ha praktiserat några andra tekniker sen sin senaste kurs med S N Goenka eller någon av hans assistentlärare. De ska försöka meditera två timmar om dagen sen sin senaste 10-dagarskurs. De ska försöka följa de fem föreskrifterna så gott de kan. En assistentlärare måste godkänna att eleven deltar i kursen.
Särskild 10-dagarskurs för gamla elever
Must be a serious old student who is committed to this technique. Must have sat at least five 10-Day courses with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers. Must have sat at least one Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course. Must have served at least one 10-Day course. Maintenance of daily practice of two hours per day for at least 2 years. Abstaining from killing, sexual misconduct, intoxicants and keeping other precepts to the best of one's ability for one year minimum. Spouse must be supportive of partner sitting long course.
14-Day Gratitude Course
The 14-Day Gratitude Course was previously called the Teacher's Self Course. One of the qualities we develop as we meditate is gratitude - gratitude towards one’s teachers, Goenkaji and Mataji, and towards the long tradition of Vipassana teachers, right back to the Buddha.
The course is open to old students who are active in giving service. Requirements include 3 x 10day courses plus one Satipaṭṭhāna course, being active in Dhamma service, trying to maintain two-hour daily practice since last 10-Day course, and trying to maintain the five precepts to the best of one's ability. Local teacher’s recommendation is required. The course follows the usual format of 3x group sittings with instructions in the day, but students work more independently and the teaching materials are drawn from the 20-day course. This is a half-way step to help students mature for long courses, and serves to inspire students to work more deeply in Dhamma.
20-Day Course
Must be a serious old student who is committed to this technique. Must have sat at least five 10-Day courses with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers. Must have sat at least one Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course. Must have served at least one 10-Day course. Maintenance of daily practice of two hours per day for at least 2 years. Abstaining from killing, sexual misconduct, intoxicants and keeping other precepts to the best of one's ability for one year minimum. At least six months gap since last sat a long course. Ten day interval between long course and any other course. Spouse must be supportive of partner sitting long course.
30-Day Course
Must be a serious old student who is committed to this technique. Must have sat at least six 10-Day courses with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers. Must have sat at least one Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course. Must have sat at least one 20-Day Course. Must have served at least one 10-Day Course. Maintenance of daily practice of two hours daily for at least 2 years. Abstaining from killing, sexual misconduct, intoxicants and keeping other precepts to the best of one's ability for one year minimum. At least six months gap since last sat a long course Ten day interval between long course and any other course. Spouse must be supportive of partner sitting long course. For first 30-Day course, at least one regular 10-Day course must have been sat after first 20-Day course.
45-Day Course
Must be a serious old student who is committed to this technique. Restricted to ATs and those involved with Dhamma service. Must have sat at least seven 10-Day courses with Goenkaji or one of his assistant teachers. Practice this technique exclusively for at least last 3 years. Must have sat at least two 30-Day Courses. Maintenance of daily practice of two hours per day for at least 2 years. Abstaining from killing, sexual misconduct, intoxicants and keeping other precepts to the best of one's ability for one year minimum. At least six months gap since last sat a long course. Ten day interval between long course and any other course. Spouse must be supportive of partner sitting long course. For first 45-Day course, at least one regular 10-Day course must have been sat after first 30-Day course. All confirmations provisional until day 30.
60-Day Course
60-Day Course admission is limited to: Active ATs who have sat at least two 45-day courses and conduct at least four 10-day courses annually. Those who are enrolled in or about to enter AT Training, have sat two 45-day courses, have served at least four 10-day courses in the past 12 months and/or are deeply involved in daily Dhamma service. In some areas, non-ATs may be accepted as rare exceptions if they have completed at least two 45-day courses, served at least four 10-day courses annually and/or are deeply involved in daily Dhamma service.
The above are minimum requirements and not a guarantee of admission. Application for admission to each of the 10-Day Special Course, 14-Day Gratitude Course, 20-Day Course, 30-Day Course, 45-Day Course and the 60-Day Course must include a recommendation from an Assistant Teacher who knows you well and a Full teacher from the student’s local area.